spring meeting minutes
Meeting called to order at 9:05 AM by President Kyle Van Meter at Koteewi Archery Range on April 11, 2021
Officers Present:
President – Kyle Van Meter
Vice President Field – Denver Wischmeier
Vice President Hunting – Michael Clary Sr
NFAA Director – Michael Arison
Secretary – Carmen Mueller
Treasurer – Ben Rance
District I – Gary Alexander (Senior – retiring), Rusty Culp (Senior – newly appointed), Dan Schuster (Junior – Absent)
District II – Greg Schultz (Senior), James Mueller (Junior – newly appointed)
District III – Randy Davis (Senior), Frank Baker (Junior)
District IV – Chuck Thorn (Senior), Robert Garfield (Junior – newly appointed)
District V – Kenny Kays (Senior – newly appointed from Junior role), Kristen McDaniel (Junior – Absent)
District VI – Tom Stricker (Senior), Rick Koertge (Junior – newly appointed – Absent)
District VII – Joe Williams (Senior), Brent Baker (Junior – newly appointed – Absent)
District VIII – Justin Waldrip (Senior), Bob Webber (Junior – newly appointed)
Webmaster – Ed Landgrave
IFAA Pro Representative – Adam Gibson (Absent)
Minutes of last meeting: Read by Carmen Mueller
- Motion to accept by Kyle Van Meter, 2nd by Michael Arison, motion passed
Treasurer Report: Ben Rance went over
- Checking balance$ 23,558.99, Savings $4,512.17
- Indoor State around $1,200 loss
- Hoosier 690 around $110 loss
- Questions by Joe Williams on internet reimbursement paid out – was approved for secretary, president and webmaster at the Spring 2020 meeting
- Motion to accept Kyle Van Meter, 2nd by Michael Arison, motion passed
NFAA Director: Michael Arison
- The IFAA needs to have an updated NFAA constitution
- Ben to order new constitutions for all members
- Need change forms submitted by directors and officers ASAP for NFAA meeting
- Waiting on any changes announced at the next meeting
- Questions on the youth distance blocks for outdoor, Michael is to get more clarification on
- Motion to accept Michael Clary, 2nd Robert Garfield, motion passed
Target Committee: Tom Sticker, Adam Gibson, Denver Wischmeier, Kyle Van Meter, Bob Webber
- Tom Stricker went over what he found out about purchasing new target bales
- Not sure if old frames will fit new bales
- New target bales $399, if we were to pick them up $325 – Adam Gibson offered to pick them up as he goes that way, 40 new bales – Adam picking up = $13,000 estimate, delivery $16,000 estimate (we would need 42 to fit Kokomo)
- Delivery would take around 3-4 weeks
- To get new stands it would be less than adding the old stands to the new ones, estimating around $60 each with stand and ratchet straps
- Benefits: They are a little smaller than what we have, move easier, stands are removable, Morrell brand lasts longer and easier to rebuild, taking away old frames, putting peewee on smaller bales, take up less room in the trailer, might be able to fit more bales at the Kokomo Event Center
- If we get new we will not rent anymore to other groups
- S3DA may want to buy 30 bales – Kyle Van Meter is to check with them to see what they would give and Kyle to talk to them about price for bales and stands
- Nothing has been done to the targets since the IFAA originally purchased them even though there were plans to
- Bob Webber motioned to move forward with the purchase. Denver would like to but we need to sell what we have. Need to get confirmation on the selling what we have first at a price of $200 per bale. We would sell 42 bales and buy 45.
- Bob Webber withdrew motion and made a new motion to buy 45 new Morrell bales and stands after we have all 40 bales sold at $200 each and stands sold, 2nd Michael Clary, motion passed
- First sell to S3DA and then to current IFAA officer, directors, members – s
- Pick up TBD
Awards Committee: Michael Clary
- Clary delivered medals from the State shoot in March and delivered to the District Directors
- Motion to accept by Kyle Van Meter, 2nd Bob Webber, motion accepted
Unfinished business:
- Webpage – new webpage
- Tom Stricker presented a quote from a web designer
- One quote was for a $700 onetime fee, we can use our domain fee, $20 a year fee for domain and another $900 onetime fee to include web pages for each district to take care of their own. Both include us being able to use our current domain, a yearly small fee to keep the domain, and training for the users
- The Secretary, President, Webmaster will be trained as users
- Motion to accept by Michael Arison, 2nd Joe Williams, motion accepted
- Carmen Mueller, Kyle Van Meter & Ed Landgrave to get in contact with Chase Jewel the web designer, Carmen Mueller will reach out to Chase this week
- Make sure it is user friendly, easy to read on phones,
- Bob Webber asked if we can add to website – link videos to site from NFAA how to shoot each type of round, instructional videos, clubs/districts schedules, feedback/recommendations/thoughts section for members (send to all directors & officers) (have district choice)
- Look at Iowa and Michigan sites for reference
- Training/Increasing attendance
- Bob Webber brought up training and bringing up the numbers for all the shoots. How can we do this?
- The directors need to work with their clubs and charters to bring the youth back in
- Need to advertise more to get more attendance and members
- Could we do this by giving points to districts for attendance of members? This would be a point system for members who shoot and their placing.
- Carmen will work on something and get with Bob Webber with questions.
- Denver would like to show people on how to shoot field
- Schedule
- 9/12/21 3-D Championship Iroquois – needs to be at Jay Co, Carmen to update and get to Ed to update the website
- 6/6/21 3rd 3-D qualifier – checking with Pine Hill to see if they can hold it
- Pine Hill cannot hold on 6/6/21
- Trying to find a location in the south or possibly changing the date
- deadline for decision 5/8/21
- 3-D
- Kyle Van Meter talked about the 3-D targets
- Kyle said they ordered orange and yellow dots for all 3-D targets
- To be used at state and all 3 qualifiers
- A lot are worried about the dots ruining the targets, the work it takes to have a 3-D
- Awards coming from the clubs
- Clubs are not wanting to hold this tournament to
- Bob Webber motion the President creates a 3-D committee together what club needs to host our shoots.
- Joe second but amends to where they need to be held. Mike Arison reminded that we need to keep trying to have in North, Central, & South.
- Motion accepted Rusty, second Joe
- 3-D committee – Rusty Culp, Kyle Meter, Justin Waldrip, Tom Stricker
- Committee to format changes and suggestions, Date change possible for 6/6/21 3rd 3-D qualifier, show how to use stickers
- Indoor District
- There were lots of questions and talk about the indoor district from last season.
- Monthly or seasonal payout – November, December, January monthly payout and February normal with voting/meeting. Does every class have a money class? Are we continuing with this format? Confusion on dates, payout, how the scorecard is set up.
- Suggestions:
- Accumulative over the 3 months and not monthly
- Bob Webber suggested a new indoor layout: 600 like NFAA mail in on one weekend and having a second “indoor state”
- Have normal dates set and then the clubs can have them on others dates as well
- $1 to Club for target, $4 to IFAA, $10 club, rest to pot
- 17 and under cannot be paid for money – or shoot for money
- Determined that the current mail in is not working
- Redo form
- Determined we cannot do another state mail in with a payout do to legal reasons
- Directors do not have to be there except on normal set date. All other dates shops are responsible.
- $50 large money, $25 small money, normal $10
- Can be held any day of the month November & December mail in
- Regular district awards on the specified district shoot date for only non money pot shooters, money pot shooters no awards
- 510 Mail In – November & December – large, small, regular
- 600 Mail In Vegas format – January name it Indiana Vegas to be able to be open to everyone
- Replace the district shoot with this in
- $55 championship, $25 flights, $10 district 17 & under
- Championship IFAA $10, $15 club they buy targets, $30 to pot – flights $10 IFAA $10 club, $10 child
- 17 & under awards
- Credit as a district
- Specified week or weekend – available 2 days of that week
- Shoot all 60 arrows at once
- Only one entry per shooter allowed
- District – one shop in each district only on specified dates
- Must have preregistration
- Director does not have to be there – shop owner is responsible
- Hand out of district awards at state
- Cubs shoot 20 yards
- FSLR – 60 CM target
- Need to make directional letter for all indoor districts and how they are ran and what is needed
- Determined that the current mail in is not working
- Advantages to mail in:
- More money to clubs, do not have to be at everyone, hopefully bring more people
- Bob Webber brought up training and bringing up the numbers for all the shoots. How can we do this?
- One quote was for a $700 onetime fee, we can use our domain fee, $20 a year fee for domain and another $900 onetime fee to include web pages for each district to take care of their own. Both include us being able to use our current domain, a yearly small fee to keep the domain, and training for the users
Kyle Van Meter motioned to break for lunch at 12:30 for 30 minutes
Kyle Van Meter called to reconvene meeting at 1:01
New Business:
- Michael Clary talked about how the 3-D State Championship is running and what changes he would like to change.
- Shoot with peers – cubs with youth
- Registration from 8-8:45, shot gun start at 9:30?
- Letter to be handed out at qualifiers to let member know of the changes
- Preregistration available and preferred
- 40 targets – 4 per group
- Motion to accept by Michael Arison, 2nd Gary Alexander, motion accepted
- Kyle Van Meter all districts if they have an bylaw changes they would like to make
- District 1 – Gary Alexander announced his retirement & introduced Rusty Culp as new Senior Director
- District 2 – Greg Schultz introduced James (Jamie) Mueller as the new Junior Director
- Greg Schultz scheduled shoots at Izaak Walton, he will submit the schedule by email
- District 3 – nothing
- District 4 – Chuck Thorn introduced Rob Garfield as the new Junior Director
- District 5 – nothing
- District 6 – nothing
- District 7 – Joe Williams is hoping to get the southern part of the state more involved
- District 8 – Justin Waldrip introduces his new Junior Robert (Bob) Webber
- Bob Webber wants to start more of a competition – district awards by a point tracking system. Proposal to use for every shoot. Home district. Traveling or virtual.
- This will help drive the district officer level
- Get to know the directors
- Score cards will have to have District #
- How to determine home district
- Carmen to put together something and talk with Bob if she has any questions
- VP-Field – nothing
- NFAA Director – Michael Arison asked what the plan is after selling the curtains and rods to Iroquois at Indoor State. Do we need new curtains?
- Denver Wischmeier advised we hold off on ordering new curtains
- Motion to accept Denver Wischmeier, 2nd Kyle Van Meter, motion accepted
- Charter’s Michael Arison wants to address the nationals on how the mailings of the charters and lane inspections are working.
- There has been confusion on where the charter renewals and the lane inspections go. The conclusion was to send all to Carmen to the Secretary
- Motion to accept by Kyle Van Meter, 2nd Gary Alexander, motion accepted
- VP Hunting – nothing
- Secretary – Carmen would like to have a website to order shirts, jackets and possibly other things. She expressed it would be nice for everyone to have a matching shirt while and shoots or events. With a page for just directors and officers and one for members. All shirts to be paid for by selves. This will not take away from our normal vendor we use for indoor state and Hoosier 690.
- Motion to accept by Chuck Thorn, 2nd Michael Arison, motion accepted
- Carmen to get a hold of the contact give by Kyle Van Meter and a couple of others to compare.
- Treasurer – nothing
- Motion to accept by Chuck Thorn, 2nd Michael Arison, motion accepted
- Motioned by Kyle, 2nd Kenny Kay, motion accepted
- Denver Wischmeier advised we hold off on ordering new curtains
- Bob Webber wants to start more of a competition – district awards by a point tracking system. Proposal to use for every shoot. Home district. Traveling or virtual.
New Business for Constitutional change:
- District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – nothing
- District 6 – Tom Stricker proposed having the IFAA pay for our club & shops charter fees.
- Charter fees are $42, if we pay this fee the shops could hold more shoots, possibly more shops or clubs and members. They would have to have shoots scheduled and be active for us to continue to pay.
- Motion to accept by Tom Sticker, 2nd by Denver, motion accepted
- Asked about the state & national member. Must be a national member and a state member.
- Charter fees are $42, if we pay this fee the shops could hold more shoots, possibly more shops or clubs and members. They would have to have shoots scheduled and be active for us to continue to pay.
- District 7 – Joe Williams proposed allowing shooters who have not shot a 3-D qualifier to shoot the 3-D State
- Michael Arison – negative for the clubs/shops to build the attendance, we don’t want to stun the growth we have
- Michael Clary – negative for the qualifiers and the attendance for this will go down
- Tom Stricker – would like to try this for the 2021 year
- Frank Baker – why are we preventing them to come out to shoot?
- Denver – make a visitor class to allow one winner with one award
- Justin motions to have 3-D state make a visitor class for those who did not meet the qualifications as one winner
- 2nd Denver, motion passed – Michael Clary & Kenny Kay opposed
- District 8 – Justin would like to propose new district lines
- Justin motioned to propose for the President to form a committee to research district lines.
- District Lines Committee – Justin Waldrip, Joe Williams, Frank Baker
- Finish discussion at the Fall meeting
- Bob Webber suggest we add a shoot like the NFAA Classic – name it Indiana Classic (same as American Round but smaller target in reverse 40, 50, 60 and 60 arrows)
- When would we hold that shoot?
- IFAA would supply the targets – 92 CM
- Sunday, June 27, 2021, Koteewi Archery Range, time to start at 10, registration at 9, cost same as American Round, with a visitor division
- Bob Webber motioned to hold an Indiana Classic State Tournament for the first year then revisit for next year, 2nd Michael Arison, motion passed
- Bob Webber suggest we add an indoor 3-D Championship
- 1 qualifier needed to shoot the championship
- Unknown yardage, 10 qualifiers, 1 state championship location
- Bob Webber motioned to have the president appoint a committee, Michael Arison 2nd, motion passed
- Indoor 3-D Committee – Tom Stricker, Joe Williams, Kyle Van Meter, Bob Webber as the advisor
- Bob Webber made a request to allow all arrows to be shot in one day that the Indoor State with it being either Friday night and Saturday split or all shot on Saturday. Reason being to allow for people not to have the expense of two days if traveling and to allow people to attend church on Sunday.
- Bob Webber motioned to the above, 12 opposed and 5 for, motion denied
- Bob request district shoots to include field, hunter, and animal
- This was discussed at length but no actual conclusion except to try to integrate it at some qualifiers or other open shoots.
- VP-Field – nothing
- NFAA Director – Michael Arison
- need to change the way charters and range inspections are handled
- Put in constitution under Fees & Dues in section 6
- Need to write up our own directions on charters and range inspections
- Secretary 1st for paper work
- Secretary sends paperwork and NFAA checks to Michael Arison
- We are paying for charters – need to make changes to the constitution page 6 article 4B
- Michael Arison Amendment to change article 4 section B – IFAA will pay charter fees for any active charter or club that are hosting a shoot – second by Denver motion passed
- Denver Amendment page 20 A – then after secretary- put in the direction of the paper flow, add charter & range inspection for the secretary to send all to NFAA director – second Michael Arison motion passed
- VP-Field – Denver
- Officer & Director – fees pg 24 of the constitution
- Denver motioned to change
- Michael would like to add mileage if helping with a tournament
- 2018 pg 24 Item F – need to update
- Denver motion mileage to be updated to reflect state minimum second Clary
- President changed the motion to keep it as the constitution states now
- President motioned to add indoor 3-D, second Denver – motion passed
- Ed motioned to change Page 4 add item E of the constitution– IFAA needs to deduct the cancellation fee from resending a new check, put on the checks void after 180 days
- Floor to Ben motions to add void after 90 days on checks, second Clary motion passed
- Ed motioned Page 11 Item F bump everything else down – add to the Webmaster to be paid $50 a month for internet revisited at the Spring meeting, motion by Kyle, second Tom
- Officer & Director – fees pg 24 of the constitution
- Need to write up our own directions on charters and range inspections
- Justin motioned to propose for the President to form a committee to research district lines.
Indoor District new layout of qualifiers – all qualify as district, scheduled award shoots weekend you cannot hold a money shoot, the 4 shoots must be scheduled and brought to the fall meeting, Directors should be working the rotation of the clubs that is elected at the February shoot
- November, December
- 1st full weekend in November – awards, shooter of the year, director attends
- 2nd full Weekend in December – awards, shooter of the year, director attends
- Qualifies as district
- 510 Blue/Vegas – money or regular district
- 17 & under cannot shoot for money, only awards at normal scheduled district shoot
- Mail In can be held anytime in the month as many times as you want at any location
- Large $50, Small $25, $10 regular
- Large – $5 IFAA, $10 Shop, $35 pot
- Small – $5 IFAA, $10 Shop, $10 pot
- January
- 4th full weekend in January – awards, shooter of the year, director attends
- Qualifies as district
- Vegas 600 round only
- Indiana Vegas
- 17 & under cannot shoot for money, only awards at normal scheduled district shoot
- $55 Championship, $30 flight, $20 regular
- Championship – IFAA $10, Club $10, $35 pot
- Flight – IFAA $10, Club $10, Pot $10
- February
- 2nd full weekend – awards, shooter of the year, director attends
- 5 spot – 300 round – meeting & elections (normal shoot)
- Qualifies as district
- Joe Williams motioned to have the above approved, 2nd Bob, motion accepted
This needs to be typed up by the Secretary and sent to the clubs.
Make appendix for the constitution referencing page of districts are Appendix B-3
Change the constitution:
- Remove International, 660
- Add Indiana Classic
Add the District number to the score cards and getting directors more involved
Motion to adjourn by Kyle Van Meter, 2nd by Michael Clary, motion accepted at 5:08