fall meeting minutes
Meeting called to order at 2:25 PM by President Kyle Van Meter at Pine Hill Archery Club on August 28, 2021
Officers Present:
President – Kyle Van Meter
Vice President Field – Denver Wischmeier
Vice President Hunting – Michael Clary Sr
Secretary – Carmen Mueller
Treasurer – Ben Rance
District I – Rusty Culp (Senior)
District II –James Mueller (Junior)
District III – Frank Baker (Junior)
District IV – Chuck Thorn (Senior), Robert Garfield (Junior)
District V – Kristen McDaniel (Junior)
District VI – Tom Stricker (Senior), Rick Koertge (Junior)
District VII – Joe Williams (Senior), Brent Baker (Junior)
District VIII – Justin Waldrip (Senior), Bob Webber (Junior)
Tournament site selections for 2022: Kyle Van Meter introduced the schedule for 2022 and opened the option for all to have the shoots for the 2nd year
April 24, 2022 – 1st 3D Qualifier – Sunman
May 22, 2022 – 2nd 3D Qualifier – Pine Hill
June 5, 2022 – 3rd 3D Qualifier – Iroquois
September 11, 2022 – 3D State – Jay County
Justin Waldrip moved to accept, Rick Koertge second, motion passed
June 26, 2022 – Indiana Classic 600 – Koteewi
Their year to have option, Koteewi wants it for 2nd year
Joe Williams motion to accept, Justin Waldrip second with a change of the direction the targets are facing and the direction shooters are shooting to make it not be a National record shoot (no state patches?), motion passed
July 17, 2022 – American Round – Iroquois
Their year to have option, Iroquois wants it for 2nd year
Denver Wischmeier motioned to accept, Joe Williams second, motion passed
August 27 & 28, 2022 – Outdoor State – Pine Hill
Their year to have option, Pine Hill wants it for 2nd year
Denver Wischmeier motioned to accept, Joe Williams second, motion passed
All dates settled on location, Kyle Van Meter moved to the reports from the executive board.
Secretary Report -Minutes of last meeting: Read by Carmen Mueller
- Motion to accept by Joe Williams, second by Michael Clary, motion passed
Treasurer Report: Read by Ben Rance
- Checking balance$ 29,767.73, Savings $4,512.17
- Motion to accept Joe Williams, second by Carmen Mueller, motion passed
NFAA Director: Michael Arison absent
- No Concerns
- Michael to send email to all directors about what happened during the National meeting
Kyle Van Meter had Carmen Mueller introduce all the committees that were formed at the 2021 Spring meeting to see where they are at in the process and if items need to be approved or finalized.
Target Committee: Tom Sticker, Adam Gibson, Denver Wischmeier, Kyle Van Meter, Bob Webber
- Idea was introduced to selling targets at Indoor State when shoot is complete, then targets to be taken home after indoor state
- The conclusion that the need for the new targets is high before we have the Hoosier 690 & Indoor state in 2022. The goal is to pre-sell all of the targets with stands before 3D state in 15 days and have them picked up at this time.
- Tom Stricker is going to check on availability with Morell to have them built and ready after 3D state on 9/12/21 and picked up before 12/25/21, If confirmed by Tom, then we can have Carmen Mueller will make up a flyer to get them sold and pick up at 3D State (need to set start date and end date, payment options: check, venom, stripe) to share with all directors and members through email, directors to share through social media and post on the website all at the same time.
Awards Committee: Michael Clary
- Nothing more
3D Indoor Committee: Tom Stricker, Joe Williams, Kyle Van Meter, Bob Webber as the advisor
- Biggest problem is having too many qualifiers and enough room at one shop to be held
- Committee to set all the rules, dues and qualifying items and who will be running the tournament
- Deadline to get everything ironed out is October 1, 2021, this is when it needs to be in writing and submitted to all directors for approval
District Committee: Justin Waldrip, Joe Williams, Frank Baker
- The problem was district 2, if rezoned by counties it leaves no ranges in their district at this time
- At this moment it doesn’t make sense to change the district lines by counties
- They are going to keep looking into it with more/different ideas
- Later in the meeting the idea of changing all of districts below 1 & 2 by counties and changing districts 1 & 2 to what is needed to get ranges in both.
- This will be looked at and brought back at the Spring meeting in 2022
Webpage Committee
- There have been meeting with the website designer and the need it is to get the new website up and running ASAP. The secretary & president will have the rights to make changes to the site.
- Suggestions:
- Allow all districts to post shoots on the calendar. Decided that will be allowed but will need approval from people with rights to make changes on the site.
- Need to add shops & charters with due dates
- Suggestions:
Unfinished business:
- This was all covered in committee reviews
New Business without constitution changes:
- Carmen has requested a new computer with antivirus and protection plan and office 365.
- Motion to accept Denver Wischmeier, second by Michael Clary, motion passed
- Kyle Van Meter all districts if they have an bylaw changes they would like to make
- District 1 – nothing
- District 2 –nothing
- District 3 –nothing
- District 4 –Great Lakes sectional hosting Feb 26 & 27, 2022
- District 5 – nothing
- District 6 – nothing
- District 7 –Great Lakes sectional hosting Feb 26 & 27, 2022
- District 8 –
- looking at new lines for districts
- Novice class – Indiana is going to be the trial run (to bring in new shooters)
- This needs to be a constitution change
- Tracking of district points
- VP-Field – nothing
- NFAA Director – nothing
- VP Hunting – nothing
- Secretary – nothing
- Treasurer – nothing
- All directors are to send indoor district shoot schedules by end of September 2021
- Everyone trying to get new clubs as we are losing some also
- Motioned to accept by Justin Waldrip, second by Tom Stricker, motion accepted
New Business for Constitutional change:
- Nobody had anything at this time as this will be gone over in the spring meeting
Motion to adjourn 4:07 by Kyle Van Meter, second by Rick Koertge, motion accepted